Hippocrates Soup

Where do I begin? When all else fails make soup.

Hippocrates Soup


hi there I’m going to show you today how
to make hippocrates soup and this is
enough soup for three days at least for
me and it’s enough for me to have it
three times a day plus a little bit for
cooking okay there’s the ingredients we
start with tomatoes potatoes onion leek
garlic celery parsley and celery root
I’m going to show you what I’ve got
I’ve have these already washed and ready
to cut up I’d like to do them somewhat
coarsely but not too coarse because I
find it took too long to cook so I’ve
got little potatoes and I just going to
run through it that way you can see
they’re just thin thin little chunks I
like that I’m not going to do them all
for the sake of this I’ll cut them up
afterwards tomatoes
same thing I don’t worry about coring it
that’ll all come out later when will the
soup you can see just kind of big small
big chunks does that make sense
tomato onion same thing I just like to
go through one way and I go through the
other way I like tiny pieces just a
little bit smaller because they do go
through the middle a little easier then
there and then I want to show you to two
different things about these garlic this
is one clove and that’s a whole bulb and
look at they’re the same size so if I’m
at the store and I can get them like
this I do because it’s a lot easier but
if this is all you can get as a whole
bulb I want to show you what to do with
it and this is one of the things I
figured out is that I don’t have to stop
a peel everyone because that’s what the
mills going to do remove that all I do
is cut off that root system and at the
bottom and I’ll just cut off this big
core at the top
she’s kind of coming apart I can just
get rid of some of those loose papers I
don’t need those in there but I’m just
going to take all those toss them in
because all that rest of that paper
stuff will come off when I do the mill
I’m using the celery I’m using three
skinny little stalks three little
parsley stems I’m just going to break
those stems off throw those in my celery
just seem to chop swiftly trim those
lips nothing fancy that all goes in now
leek I want to show you something about
a leak because they’re kind of tricky
and I’ve had to learn through a little
trial and error how to work with these
so I cut the stem the roots off down
here and then I get rid of some of this
coarse stuff maybe I get it’s all right
to use it I mean there’s nothing wrong
with it I shouldn’t like the flavor of
it it made this suit just a little and I
can’t even use the word strong tasting I
just didn’t like the taste of the soup
for those dark green leaves in it then
you cut down the middle of the stem of
what’s left so now what’s what’s
interesting the reason why you want to
do this is because there’s a lot of
hidden dirt I don’t know if you can see
that a lot of dirt gets down inside
those leaves so I’m going to put them
I’ve already washed these by tamp water
and then what I do is I rinse on my
vegetables and the distilled water
before I put them in the soup all those
other vegetables I’d already rinsed but
I wanted you to see how I do this I’m
going inside each of those leaf sections
and getting the dirt out of there I
think not getting this washed well
enough can sometimes lead to your soup
spoiling because you’ve got you’ve
introduced dirt to your soup so there
I’ve gone through all the leaves
separated them got that dirt out and
then I can just chop to that just like I
would the onion yeah all right and then
now this will all go into the soup when
we’re not filming but I want you to see
this is called a celery root this is
actually what the stalks of celery grow
off of but this is a specific vegetable
that was bred for the root it’s all
knobby it’s kind of hard to get in there
I used to fight with it and try and save
little every little scrap of celery root
it just took too long it took me half an
hour just for that one vegetable and you
know we’re too busy with this to be
working a half an hour on that so I’ve
got a little a little bold and I just
start trimming off some of that carrot
outside root I found out the it didn’t
taste good if I kept too much of that
fiber into the soup so I just push them
away I make sure I get rid of all that
dirt that’s conned in between those
narrowing root sections just keep
trimming that off so you can see there
we go giving that a rinse I’m sorry I’m
going faster than the camera here and
then just like all the other vegetables
I go through you trim that and I’ll just
chop this up like these and throw it in
so I’ll come back in a minute what it’s
done all right I finished cutting up all
the vegetables you can see it always
looks so nice when they’re in there now
this didn’t take as much water as I
thought it would it only took two quarts
but I am going to put a little bit more
in we’ll take it to the stove I’m going
to set it on high here I’m just going to
put another half quart in so that’s two
and a half quarts and that’s just enough
you can see it’s it’s pretty full and
it’s enough water to cover and that’ll
get the texture that I like when I mill
it so it’ll take a few minutes to come
to a boil when it does I’ll put the lid
on and then I’ll turn it down to very
low and I’ll set the timer for two hours
so we’ll come back in two hours after
it’s simmered okay thank you
ah so our soup is cooked for two hours
now and it’s cooled off a little bit
it’s still hot but it’s been off the
stove for maybe half an hour so that I
can handle it and this is what it looks
like it’s just you know just a loose
soup but I use all of that and I put it
through the mill now this is called a
food mill there’s always a lot of
questions about that and this is kind of
a neat little tool that makes it
possible to get the fiber out of our
soup and yet still get some of the pulp
from it without the fiber and it comes
apart see there’s a section here and
there’s these little blades that are
down inside the bottom yep this one
that’s oXXO brand o X oh and it comes to
three of those blades and I use the
middle sized one it creates the kind of
the texture of soup that I like best to
define was a little too much and the
course was too much so there you go so I
just I scoop water and vegetables and
everything right in there it’s like that
several scoops of do one more and then
I’ll just start going around and usually
I go through to the right and back one
or to the left one two three one two one
two three one two and what this does
when you’re going to the right is
sliding over the pieces of vegetable and
starting to push them through the grid
work and then when you come back it’s
scraping it back up so that you can get
a fresh press so I I press it down for
two or three if you keep going at some
point it doesn’t press anymore and
that’s why you only do it three times if
you do it more than that it just it’s
not as effective so then I back up clean
it up a little then come back around
keep scraping I’m going to do that
numerous times per scoop and you can see
the moisture is getting pressed out of
the material and it’s getting drier it
never actually gets dry dried but you
can see the the moisture and if you tip
it up look at you can see that’s where
some of the the pulp is coming through
without the five
so I am just doing this to show you I
don’t usually clean it off until I’m
done doing the whole pot but I just
wanted you to see how that pulp is
coming through and then this is the
texture of the soup my whole pot is
going to end up being like this it’s a
thin soup and yet it has some material
going through there so it’s not clear
but it’s this is the texture that I
enjoy that and I find it’s much easier
to drink from a mug instead of from a
bowl because I don’t want to heavy using
a spoon just to slurp up that watery
stuff I just put it in a mug and drink
it and I’m done and I like to have
enough soup not only to have three bowls
of it a day or three mugs of it a day
but I also like it for cooking it’s
delicious when I want to do broccoli or
cabbage or fat or whatever other
vegetables spinach that I can find I put
some of this in for my cooking liquid
and it’s very tasty it takes a little
getting used to this soup when I first
made it it didn’t taste that good to me
but now that my taste buds are changing
and I’ve been able to get rid of a lot
of sodium out of my body from eating
properly now that it actually tastes
very good to me and the reason why I
have it three times a day most people
only have it twice is a diabetic
protocol and you don’t have the oatmeal
for breakfast instead you have the soup
but there’s nothing wrong with having
soup and when I started all this when I
started Gerson eleven months ago I had a
lot of back pain over my kidneys and I
don’t have that anymore so it’s made a
difference now today I’d run out of soup
already today and I’m kind of late
getting it done but I will have it
before I go to bed tonight because if I
don’t I’ll wake up tomorrow with that
kidney pain so it’s very helpful if you
haven’t started making the soup you need
to if you haven’t milled it it’s not the
end of the world but it is the proper
way to do it and I just wanted you to
see how it’s done thank you I hope this
has been helpful
Noby okay well we’re down here at the
end I’ve done the rest of the pot and
I’m get the very last of what I’m
squishing around here at the end and I
want to show you I forgot to show you
in the other video and that is what I’m
when I’ve gotten to the point where this
is ahead all the liquid pushed out and
I’ve gotten most of the pulp pushed
through and this really all that’s left
is fiber what I do is I just scoop that
up and I did this all along the way you
can see here I’ve got a little pile of
fiber that I’ve been removing and this
is typical any batch I’ll end up with
about this much fiber which would make
sense if I’m making the same amount
every time and as scooped it out once
I’ve worked and worked and you know
worked it quite a bit and I can see that
it’s just fiber now I’m cleaning off the
bottom and getting that all that good
pulp there which is nice
it is a nice consistency to it I really
I like having a little something there I
don’t you know it’s your preference I
just find too thick and if you like
yours a little thicker you can remove
some of the liquid and save that liquid
for cooking also you would want to save
that don’t toss that out there’s good
nutrients in that liquid or you can put
a few more potatoes and because actually
potatoes will make it thicker too and
then this is how I save it you know it’s
making me nervous I’m going to get my
phone there we go I have a funnel and
that helps me and I have this nice big
two quart jar
there and I have enough fun here this
will go into another quart jar and
that’ll be my my 3 quarts that I made
pretty much it works out that however
much water I put in is how much I end up
with even though I have the vegetables
but it all works out in the end and I’m
going to have myself a nice mug of broth
tonight such for a treat thank you nice
and fresh